Believe in yourself, Success will follow…….

Believe in yourself, Success will follow…….

The above statement holds true in the life of Indira Bhandari, 37, a VAHW and a mother of two children. Born in Bharatpokhari of Kaski district and married to a government employee, Bhandari believes in work rather than fate. “I always tried to climb to the top of any new work that I started”, says the permanent resident of Mahatgauda-17, Kaski. A few years ago, she remained within the boundaries of household work and farming. It was very difficult to fulfill the daily household needs and all the expenses of children’s school fees, as the income of her husband was not enough. So, she had always desired to get a job or occupational training to make money in order to meet her daily demands.

Fortunately, HEIFER co-jointly with CHESS Nepal started a program in her community. Because of her innovativeness and leading capacity she was selected for VAHW-35 days training organized by AHTCS in July, 2004.

“After the training, I faced the real examination in the field”; she shares. “At first people did not trust me because I was new to them as a technician. Being a woman and a housewife, it was a big challenge for me to win their hearts.” She still remembers one of the farmers’s saying, “You woman cannot give injections to our animal”. At once, she had thought to give up the job. But she remembered the commitment given to the organizations and her responsibility to the innocent farmers. Then she completely devoted herself in this field. It was the successful treatment of one of the farmers’ goats which was in clutches of death that made Indira popular in her community. “This was the milestone in my life that made me a way to enter into the hearts of the people” she recalls. Since then, her hard work and devotion in making the animals healthy has made her a public icon in her local community and its vicinity.

She has extended her veterinary service to other communities as well. Vaccination and deworming to livestock and even pets, with proper record keeping is her regular activity. Up to now, she has 58 dog owners in her list for which she provides her services. She informs the farmers for due date of anthelmintic treatment and provides it. She goes on household visits at least twice month. She also organizes the vaccination campaigns for goat and buffalo on a routine basis in her village and vicinity. Around 500 households are directly benefiting from her veterinary service. Whenever she finds difficulties in technical aspects, she takes assistance from AHTCS and District Livestock Service Office (DLSO). Considering her diligence and hard work, CHESS Nepal provided her an opportunity to receive VAHW refresher training recently from AHTCS, and says; “This has helped me a lot to broaden my horizon of knowledge on animal health and management”. “On an average, I earn 8000 rupees per month from case fees, and 1500 rupees from medicine; sometimes it’s even more” she says and smiles. Being a member of Jagaran Mahila Samuha, she does not take case fee for treatment in her own group and provides free treatment for one day every month. “Along with my husband’s income, I have constructed a concrete house” she proudly confesses.

Besides these technical activities, she is also involved in social activities. She is the president of the local cooperative. Under her leadership, the cooperative has planned to rear improved cattle breeds in the community. She thinks that the reason behind all her success is belief in herself and her hard work. “Today what I am, is all because of AHTCS, CHESS and Heifer Nepal” she adds, not forgetting to express her gratitude towards them. She wants to become a popular veterinary technician in her area and says, “I want to make one of my sons, a veterinary doctor” .