Hardest decision but the right one

Hardest decision but the right one

Poverty compounded with the uncertainty of life leads to the extreme pain and suffering of already marginalized and vulnerable equine owners of brick kilns which is difficult to comprehend by the average person. Among various numerous uncertainties, the decision for euthanasia of their equine is considered the hardest though it is considered the right decision

This is the story of Mr. Hassan Ali, who is marginalized in every aspect and currently working in Asal Brick Kiln of Banke with his 3 horses used to carry bricks within the brick kiln. His life became miserable when his horse felt unwell. Soon, he contacted us through AHTCS trained LHP as our LHP observe the symptom shown by the horse and felt afraid to intervene in the case regarding the case as of glanders. Through the phone conversation with AHP and history gathering from owners, it felt necessary for intervention by AHTCS staff. As per the symptoms, it was considered the case of suspected glanders and was taken in a serious manner. Even the history of his arrival from India and the recent outbreak of glanders in various other brick kilns inclined our diagnosis toward glanders. The horse was isolated immediately and all the protective equipment was used in sample collection. Also, the equine owner, his family, and his other companions were made aware of its zoonotic importance on site.

After notification and discussion with the livestock service section at the local level and the government-owned laboratory of Kathmandu, the swab sample from the pustules and nasal swabs were dispatched for laboratory diagnosis with the facilitation of government authority and the glanders was confirmed subsequently.

Now, it was the hardest time as we have to counsel him empathetically but can we really feel the unimaginable pain he is really going through? I don’t think so.  The tears hidden inside his eyes were tripling and ready to roll when we were counseling him on the need for euthanasia in such a case. After proper counseling and dealing with the equine owners he became convinced of euthanasia and government authority euthanatized the horse with his full consent. It was a difficult decision for him but it was the right decision for his horse which he comprehend well. He thanked and assure our team that in the recent scenario of the outbreak of glanders, he will adopt every preventive measure for his other horse to not go through the same fate.