Traditional Healer Referring Cases to Veterinarians
“After attending the interaction workshop for traditional healers organized by Brooke-AHTCS, I felt that the content of discussion was knowledgeable and relevant to our work. After the workshop, I referred three cases of colic to the veterinarian for treatment, and indeed the animals healed within thirty minutes. Then I believed that the old school of thought and perceptions was not enough to build trust with equine owners. In this way, I am adopting appropriate treatment methodology and referring cases to the trained professionals.” Mr. Bhupendra Ghimire, 32, lives in Namsaling VDC ward no.2, Ilam. He is a well-known traditional healer in the village. He has been in this job for last ten years and works with both humans and animals. He learned this healing technique from his senior. He does not have many problems fulfilling basic needs of the family, and he has kept a horse for household purposes. He shares his experience and says that there were no hospitals or doctors in the village in earlier days for both human and animal treatment, and people used to come to traditional healers. People had a strong belief towards those healers. In this way, he became attracted to this job and adopted traditional treatment methods.
He has seen many health camps for equids in the village since Brooke-AHTCS started its intervention in Ilam. He had even taken his equine for the treatment but was skeptical about the drugs provided and treatment done by AHTCS’ veterinarians and technicians. He had no positive thoughts at all about scientific treatment and drugs but when he came in contact with Brooke-AHTCS staff and attended the traditional healer’s workshop he got opportunity to understand the benefits of welfare-friendly scientific treatment and use of drugs and drawbacks of traditional methodology. He was then convinced and realized that the traditional healing methods can be harmful to the animals and humans. Nowadays, he refers cases to the veterinarian and trained technician and also suggests owners to learn about diseases and the use of drugs if equine owner come to him for the treatment of their animals.